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Eggdrop Popups Menü


MFC Üyesi
  • Üyelik Tarihi
    7 Kas 2017
  • Mesajlar
  • MFC Puanı
on *:LOAD: { 
  echo -a _____________________________________________________
  echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 Loading Add-On... 
  echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 Add-on: 09 Eggdrop  15Add-On  
  echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 You are running mIRC $version on $os 
  echo -a 4,1[15,1 SaNCaK 4,1] 0,1 Copyright © 200915
  echo -a ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
menu Nicklist {
  $iif($server != $null,Eggdrop)
  .Chat:/ctcp $$1 chat
  .Login: /msg $$1 login $$?="Enter Password"  
  .Ident: /msg $$1 ident $$?="Enter Password"   $me
  .Addhost: /msg $$1 addhost $$?="Enter Password"   $$?="Enter hostmask?"
  .Şifre değiş: /msg $$1 pass $$?="Enter Password"   $$?="Enter new Password?"
  ..Genel: /msg $$1 info $$?="Enter Password"   $$?="Enter Info Line?"
  ..Kanal: /msg $$1 info $chan $$?="Enter Password"   $$?="Enter Info Line?"
  ..Op ver: /msg $$1 op $$?="Enter Password"   $chan
  ..Op al: /msg $$1 deop $$?="Enter Password"   $chan
  ..Voice ver: /msg $$1 voice $$?="Enter Password"  $chan
  ..Voice el: /msg $$1 devoice $$?="Enter Password"   $chan
  .Rehash: /msg $$1 rehash $$?="Enter Password"   
  .Restart: /msg $$1 restart $$?="Enter Password" $?="Enter the quit message?"
  .Jump: /msg $$1 jump $$?="Enter Password?" $me
  .Kanaldan Çıkar: /msg $$1 go $chan
  .Kapat: /msg $$1 die $$?="Enter the Password?" $?="Enter the quit message?"
menu query {
  .Help:/msg $active .help all
  .Bot Ayarları
  ..Kullanıcı Ekle:/msg $active .adduser  #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..Kullanıcı sıl:/msg $active .deluser  #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" gönder:/msg $active .act #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?="Mesaj"
  ..msg gönder:/msg $active .msg #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?="Mesaj"
  ..özele msg gönder:/msg $active .msg $$?="nick" $$?="Mesaj"
  ..Kanal ayar kayıt:/msg $active .chansave
  ..Kanaldan Çık -inactive:/msg $active #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" -inactive
  ..Kanala Gir +inactive:/msg $active #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" +inactive
  ..Kanala Sok .+chan:/msg $active .+chan #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..Kanaldan Çıkar .-chan:/msg $active .-chan #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..Kanal Bilgi:/msg $active .channel #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..Op ver:/msg $active .op $$?=" nick " #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan"
  ..Op al:/msg $active .deop $$?=" nick " #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..Voice ver:/msg $active .voice $$?=" nick " #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..Voice al:/msg $active .devoice $$?=" nick " #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..invite et:/msg $active .invite $$?=" nick " #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  .Kanal Koruma
  ..Bilgi:/msg $active .chaninfo #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..BotNet Koruma
  ...Kick:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" flood-kick $$?=" Ayar (Rakam İle) "
  ...Chan:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" flood-chan $$?=" Ayar (Rakam İle) "
  ...Ctcp:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" flood-ctcp $$?=" Ayar (Rakam İle) "
  ...Join:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" flood-join $$?=" Ayar (Rakam İle) "
  ...Deop:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" flood-deop $$?=" Ayar (Rakam İle) "
  ...Nick:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" flood-nick $$?=" Ayar (Rakam İle) "
  ...Aop-delay:msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" aop-delay $$?=" Değer"
  ...ban-time:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ban-time $$?=" Değer"
  ...ap-bnickf:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:bnickf $$?=" <Satır>:<Saniye> Normal: 6:30(Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ...ap-bpartmsg:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:bpartmsg $$?=" <Satır>:<Saniye> Normal: 5:3(Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ...ap-brevdoor:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:brevdoor $$?=" <Satır>:<Saniye> Normal: 5:3(Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ...ap-massjoin:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:massjoin $$?=" <Satır>:<Saniye> Normal: 9:3(Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ...ap-bctcp:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:bctcp $$?=" <Satır>:<Saniye> Normal: 4:60(Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ...ap-bnotcc:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:bnotcc $$?=" <Satır>:<Saniye> Normal: 500:3(Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ...ap-bnotcl:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:bnotcl $$?=" <Satır>:<Saniye> Normal: 5:3(Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ...ap-btextc:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:btextc $$?=" <Satır>:<Saniye> Normal: 550:3(Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ...ap-btextl:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:btextl $$?=" <Satır>:<Saniye> Normal: 15:7(Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ..Reklam ap-adv:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:adv $$?=" +/- " 
  ..Küfür ap-swear:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:swear $$?=" +/- " 
  ..Kötü Nick ap-bnicks:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:bnicks $$?=" +/- (+ Açar / - Kapatır)"
  ..Kötü İdent ap-bidents:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:bidents $$?=" +/- (+ Açar / - Kapatır)"
  ..Drones ap-drones:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:drones $$?=" +/- (+ Açar / - Kapatır)"
  ..Flood line ap-textl:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:textl $$?=" satır:saniye "
  ..Uzun Yazı Harf Uzatma ap-textc:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:textc $$?=" <chars>:<seconds>"
  ..Caps Flood ap-caps:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:caps $$?=" <percent>:<line-length>"
  ..Tekrar ap-repeatl:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:repeatl $$?=" <repeats>:<seconds>"
  ..MassDeop ap-massd:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:massd $$?=" <deops>:<seconds> (Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ..MassKick ap-massk:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:massk $$?=" <kicks>:<seconds> (Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ..MassBan ap-massb:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:massb $$?=" <Satır>:<Saniye> (Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ..Kanal Limit ap-limit:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:limit $$?=" <limit> (0 to disable)"
  ..Join Flood ap-cjoin:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:cjoin $$?=" <joins>:<seconds> (Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  ..Nick Flood ap-nickf:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" ap:nickf $$?=" <nick-changes>:<seconds> (Kapatmak için 0:0)"
  .Kanal Ayar
  ..Kanal Modu:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" chanmode $$?=" Modlar - yada + kullanınız"
  ..autoop :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ autoop 
  ..autohalfop :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ autohalfop 
  ..autovoice :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ autovoice 
  ..protectops :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ protectops 
  ..protecthalfops :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ protecthalfops 
  ..protectfriends :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ protectfriends 
  ..dontkickops :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ dontkickops 
  ..revenge :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ revenge 
  ..revengebot :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ revengebot 
  ..statuslog :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ statuslog 
  ..seen :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ seen 
  ..shared :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ shared 
  ..greet :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ greet 
  ..nodesynch :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ nodesynch
  ..userbans :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ userbans 
  ..dynamicbans :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ dynamicbans 
  ..enforcebans :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ enforcebans 
  ..inactive :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ inactive 
  ..bitch :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ bitch 
  ..secret :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ secret
  ..cycle :/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ cycle 
  ..bitch:/msg $active .chanset #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?=" - yada +" $+ bitch 
  ..*!* sil:/msg $active .-ban *!*  #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..banları sil:/msg $active .resetbans #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..SaNCaK:/msg $active .+exempt SaNCaK %exempttime 10d5h30m 0,2<Create: $time on $date $+ >
  ..Banlanmayacaklar:/msg $active .+exempt $$?="Nick" %exempttime 10d5h30m 0,4 Banlanamaz !!! 2,2 1,15 14,2• § â 15ñ ¢ 0â K 0§ ¢ 15r i 14p T •0™ 1,15 2,2  0,2<Create: $time on $date $+ >
  ..Banlanmayacaklar Kaldır:/msg $active .-exempt $$?="Nick"
  ..Banlanmayacaklar Liste:/msg $active .exempts all
  .Otomatik Ban
  ..Bad Nick:/msg $active .+ban * $+ $$?=" nick " $+ *!*@* %1h30m  2,0Nickiniz uygunsuzdur.Lütfen 1/nick Yeninick 2komutunu kullaranak değiştiriniz. 0,2<Create: $time on $date $+ >
  ..Oto Ban Genel:/msg $active .+ban * $+ $$?=" nick " $+ *!*@* %1h30m  $$?=" Sebep " 0,2<Create: $time on $date $+ >
  ..Oto Ban ident:/msg $active .+ban *! $+ $$?=" nick " $+ @* #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" %10h30m  $$?=" Sebep " 0,2<Create: $time on $date $+ >
  ..Domain / Nick Ban #turkey:/msg $active .+ban *!*@ $+ $$?=" Domain / Nick @ Koymadan" $+ * #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" %10h30m  $$?=" Sebep " 0,2<Create: $time on $date $+ >
  ..Oto Ban Kaldır:/msg $active .-ban $$?="Ban No "
  ..Banlist:/msg $active .bans all
  ..Kick:/msg $active .kick #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"  $$?="nick" 2,0Uygunsuz Davranışlarda Bulunmayınız.
  ..Kickban:/msg $active .kickban #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"  $$?="nick" 2,0Uygunsuz Davranışlarda Bulunmayınız.
  ..Tazele:/msg $active .rehash
  ..ReStart:/msg $active .restart
  ..reset:/msg $active .reset
  ..Jump:/msg $active .jump
  ..relay:/msg $active .relay $$?="bot name ?"
  ..Genel Durum:/msg $active .status all
  ..Kısa Durum:/msg $active .status
  ..Kanala Gir:/msg $active .tcl channel add #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..Kanaldan Çıkar:/msg $active .tcl channel remove #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..Kanal mod:/msg $active .tcl channel set #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" chanmode $$?="modes ?"
  ..Kayıt Et:/msg $active .save
  ..Kapat die:/msg $active .die
  ..ignore Ekle:/msg $active .+ignore $$?="ip mask to ignore ?"
  ..list ignore:/msg $active .ignores
  ..ignore Sil:/msg $active .ignores | say .-ignore $$?="nº to remove ?"
  ..Add User:/msg $active .adduser  $$?="nick ?" 
  ..Şifre Değiştir:/msg $active .chpass $$?="nick ?" $$?="şifresi ?"
  ..User Flag
  ...n (owner):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user has absolute control. Only give this flag to people you trust completely." +n
  ...m (master):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user has access to almost every feature of the bot." +m
  ...t (botnet-master):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user has access to all features dealing with the botnet." +t
  ...a (auto-op):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user is opped automatically upon joining a channel." +a
  ...o (op):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user has op access to all of the bot's channels." +o
  ...y (auto-halfop):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user is halfopped automatically upon joining a channel." y
  ...ı (halfop):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user has halfop access to all of the bot's channels." +ı
  ...g (auto-voice):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user is voiced automatically upon joining a channel." g
  ...v (voice):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user gets +v automatically on +autovoice channels." +v
  ...f (friend):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user is not punished for flooding, etc." +f
  ...p (party):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user has access to the partyline." +p
  ...q (quiet):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user does not get voice on +autovoice channels." +q
  ...r (dehalfop):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user cannot gain halfops on any of the bot's channels." +r
  ...d (deop):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user cannot gain ops on any of the bot's channels." +d
  ...k (auto-kick):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user is kicked and banned automatically." +k
  ...x (xfer):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user has access to the file transfer area of the bot (if it exists) and can send and receive files to/from the bot." +x
  ...j (janitor):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user can perform maintenance in the file area of the bot (if it exists) -- like a "master" of the file area. Janitors have complete access to the  +filesystem." +j
  ...c (common):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?this marks a user who is connecting from a public site from which any number of people can use IRC. The user will now be recognized by NICKNAME." +c
  ...b (bot):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user is a bot." +b
  ...w (wasop-test):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user needs wasop test for +stopnethack procedure." +w
  ...z (washalfop-test):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ?user needs washalfop test for +stopnethack procedure." +z
  ...e (nethack-exempt):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ? user is exempted from stopnethack protection." +e
  ...u (unshared):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ? user record is not sent to other bots." +u
  ...h (highlight):/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick ? use bold text in help/text files." +h
  ...Full Yetki:/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick?" +nmtaoyıgvfpxjceh
  ...Elle Gir:/msg $active .chattr $$?="nick" $$?="flags ? o h m( with + - )"
  ..Bot ekle:/msg $active .+bot $$?="nick"
  ..User Ekle:/msg $active .+user  $$?="nick ?" 
  ..User Sil:/msg $active .-user  $$?="nick ?"
  ..@p Ver:/msg $active .op $$?="nick ?" #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" 
  ..@p Al:/msg $active .deop $$?="nick ?" #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)"
  ..voice Ver:/msg $active .voice $$?="nick ?" #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" 
  ..voice Al:/msg $active .devoice $$?="nick ?" #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" 
  ..kick:/msg $active .kick #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?="nick ?" $$?="sebep ?"
  ..kick ban:/msg $active .kickban #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?="nick ?" $$?="sebep ?"
  ..Ban Ekle:/msg $active .+ban #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?="ip mask to ban ?" $$?="sebep ?"
  ..Banlar:/msg $active .bans #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" 
  ..Tüm Banlar:/msg $active .bans all
  ..Ban Sil:/msg $active .-ban #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?="nº to remove ?"
  ..Topic:/msg $active .topic  #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?="topic ?"
  .Bilgi user:/msg $active .whois $$?="nick ?" $active .info $$?="info ?"
  ..who:/msg $active .who
  ..see motd:/msg $active .motd
  ..Kanala Mesaj:/msg $active .say  #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?="mesaj ?"
  ..invite:/msg $active .invite  #$$?="Hangi Kanal? (# Koymadan)" $$?="nick ?"
  ..Console:/msg $active .console #$$?="Kanal flags ? ( with + - )"
  ..files:/msg $active .files
  ..list server:/msg $active .servers
  ..links:/msg $active .bottree nick:/msg $active .nick $$?="new nick ?"
  ..send:/msg $active .note $$?="nick ?" $$?="note ?"
  ..- $active .notes read $$?="read nº ?" all:/msg $active .notes read
  ..delete:/msg $active .notes erase $$?="nº to delete ?"
  ..delete all:/msg $active .notes erase
  ..index:/msg $active .note index
  .Tazele:/msg $active .rehash

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